Stretch it out! Benefits of a regular stretching routine

Stretching is very important, especially if you live a more sedentary life like a lot of us do. Being sedentary or in one position over and over shortens your muscles which decreases your range of motion and flexibility. 

Having good flexibility has been shown to: 

1. Decrease your risk of injuries - especially during physical activity. 

2. Allow your joints to move through their full range of motion 

3. Increase muscle blood flow.

4. Increase performance during physical activity

5. Enable muscles to work more effectively and efficiently

6. Increase your ability to perform activities of daily living. 

When your range of motion is shortened due to muscle tightness, it leaves your muscles weak and unable to extend all of the way. This limited range of motion increases the risk for joint pains, strains, and muscle damage. When you keep your muscles long, lean, and healthy (by stretching regularly), it helps prevent putting stress on one area of the muscle more than the others so you are less likely to be injured. Having healthy muscles has also been shown to help people with balance problems avoid falls. 


Stretching is a cumulative effect - you didn't take one day to get tight so it will take more than one time stretching to increase your flexibility!

Warm up first by walking for about 5 minutes. It has been shown that stretching is more effective when you have increased the blood flow to the area already. 

Keep it symmetrical and always do both sides. Your other side might not be hurting, but there is still a pretty good chance it is also tight and you don't want to end up uneven. 

Focus on your major muscle groups. This is the fastest way to increase your flexibility as they make up the majority of your muscles. If you are having pain in a particular area, see one of our chiropractors to help identify it and get more exact stretches. 

Do NOT bounce. You will hurt yourself, especially if you have not warmed up yet. 

Hold each stretch for 30 seconds. In order to make long term, elastic changes in your muscles you have to hold your stretch longer than 20 seconds. 

You should not have any pain, keep your stretch light and consistent. Do not push yourself into pain, you could cause injury. 

Schedule with one of our doctors if you have any questions or need help coming up with a stretching plan! 703-491-8888


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